Sunday, December 31, 2006

2007! What will it bring me?????

For me, I hope 2007 will be a good year... with DH getting into this new job which requires him to travel alot, I hope to be blessed with good heath and energy to look after the kids myself. 2007 is also the year when my DS is going into primary school. It's definately a very exciting phrase of his life he's moving into and I wish him all the best and to enjoy his primary school life.

Made these cupcakes for the family to enjoy and ursher in the new year together. I hope they'll like it :P


  1. Such pretty cupcakes *thumbs up*

    Happy New Year and all the best for 200:)

  2. Hi Angie...

    Thanks for dropping by and here's wishing u and your family a wonderful 2007!
