Gong Xi Gong Xi.....
I hope my new year will be a good one. There'll be some exciting events lined up for me in the coming months. I'll be moving, to a smaller apt, and hopefully it'll be near my mom's place and the mrt station. Of course, that means a time for house-hunting... I hope it won't be a nitemare and that I can find somewhere suitable very soon.
DH will need to continue with his travelling once we end our CNY celebrations. He'll be re-scheduling his travelling periods so that I won't be alone for long periods of time to handle the kids alone.
DS is settling into his pri school-going routine and what's bothering me is his reading skills. He needs to brush up alot and I think I'll need to enrol him in some phonics courses soon. As for DD, I hope this new year will bring her some confidence. She's been getting very insecure lately, esp when she saying her goodbyes to us when I leave her in her childcare. And also at the end of the day when I go and pick her up. Most of the time she's in tears... saying that she miss me!
For myself... frankly, i'm not expecting much except to shoulder on.... to have the strength and will to do so. Also have more time for baking.... ultimately, I hope to be able to beome a "tai-tai"! kekeke.... actually was juzt thinking of devoting more time for baking, rather than to be sitting in the office whole day, shivering in the air-con environment. Besides that, I hope to be able to attend some baking classes... altho' I've been baking for the past few years, it's more self-taught and research thru' the internet. I still find myself lacking in many areas...
Anyway... enough of my rantings....
I wish everyone a HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR! May the new year bring prosperity, happiness and health to all of you.
Labels: Thoughts