baking fiends unite!

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Eggwhite Marble Cake

I used mini chiffon tin bought from Daiso. The batter can fill up to 4 of those tins! Since it's new tins, I probably need to use it more often so that my cake will have a nice golden crust which is absent in all these cakes now. The cake is abit on the sweet side, even tho' I've further reduced the amt of sugar from the recipe. Guess next time I bake these, the amt of sugar can be reduced another 10gms. I divided the batter into 3 batches, added chocolate and strawberry pastes into 2 of the batches... pretty colours rite?
Sorrie, I'll not share the recipe of this cake... same reason as given by Elyn. I love taking pics of the cake... I hope it looks as soft and moist in the pictures as the cake tasted. Enjoy the photos!



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