baking fiends unite!

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Fried Rice Paradise

U may have noticed by now that I like to do fried rice. Well, it's mainly due to laziness on my part. But well, no harm done as I find that I'm improving! When I first started frying rice, the end result is usually quite bland. But now it's a different story... no more compliants from DH abt it. :P

Many a times when I ask my kids what they want for their meals, I get 2 different answers. DS will usually ask for rice while DD will want noodles. And so to make life easier for everyone (mainly ME), I'll make fried rice instead! ahaha... so much for democracy in the household!

So for today, this is what we had for lunch. The onion rings are frozen ones... I only need to deep-fry them.



  • i also love to fry rice, it's such a complete meal on it's own, just need to throw in the "extras" (can also be read as 'leftovers') from the fridge for variety..can exercise my creativity on it as well :)


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:19 PM, December 31, 2006  

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