baking fiends unite!

Monday, February 08, 2010

As busy as a bee...

As usual the weekends came and went in a flash. During the weekdays, I'll look forward to the weekends, with an ambitious list of to-bakes. However, when weekends actually arrived, I tended to take things easy and ended up making only a tiny dent in the to-bake list. This seems like an re-occurring (vicious) cycle in my life, at least for now. :P

Anyhow... nephew asked me last weekends if I intended to make kueh rose, popularly know as beehive in my family. It is a very well received snack in the family and I guess there's no escaping from making these. So I got myself all prepared with the ingredients, only to know later that nephew was not coming to visit my mom in the weekends, meaning I'll be left to make these myself. Thankfully my niece did come by and she helped me to finish these up.

After standing at the hot kitchen for 2 whole hours, these are what we got. *happy dance*

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