Wedding Cake

At the same time, I was working with gumpaste. Initial idea was to use tylose powder but it meant having to make a trip to BIY which was rather out of the way for me.... A visit to a nearby phoon huat store got myself a small container of gum instead. So I tried out a gumpaste recipe. Got the butterflies cut out and left it to dry. Magically, it dried pretty fast. In fact, it was totally bone dried by the 3rd day.
Having the decorations ready, I was left with the cake to bake on Friday (the wedding being on Sunday). I did 2 butter cakes, one at 9in and the other, a 6in cake. Left it to cool down overnite and then did a chocolate ganache and got it filled and covered. Again left it to harden and cool down in the fridge and got to work on it on Saturday nite. I bought a few packs of pettinice fondant for the job. It's quite a challenge to roll out the fondant and making sure it did cover the whole 9in cake base well. The choco ganache was wet from the condensation, which means there's no room for mistakes! If the fondant got stained by the chocolate when it wasn't laid well in the 1st try, I can't really reuse the fondant. But it's a do-or-die situation.... LOL.... glad to say that it was finally done.
The rest fell in pretty fast and when the cake was completed, I really heaved a huge sigh of relief!
The verdict of the cake, after being cut and served to the guests was that they really love it! yay to me!
Finally, with the cake done and the wedding reception over, I've finally "acquired" myself a Sister-in-law. :)
I wish the couple a happy and blessed marriage!
ps : sorrie that I've uploaded too many pics for this post.... can't blame me as it's my 1st attempt on a wedding cake rite? The pics are not well taken as I've a big problem trying to find a spot with sufficient lighting to take pics. Finally settled for a corner that had some natural light coming in from the glass panel. The official photographer had also taken some pics of the cake. I'll post those when I get them. Meanwhile, will have to make do with these!

Labels: Cakes
Looks great! I'm sure you enjoyed the entire process, seeing everything coming together. Great job!
Rei, at 11:44 AM, November 03, 2008
Hi Rei,
Really appreicate your help and advice! It was an enjoyable yet STRESSFUL process. LOL...
Many thanks again!
Baking Fiend, at 12:52 PM, November 03, 2008
The cake is so pretty! I like the pink and brown theme. All the effort put in is definitely worth it, look forward to see more of tier cakes from you :)
Anonymous, at 9:49 PM, November 03, 2008
Yes, looks great! Love the butterflies!
Little Corner of Mine, at 12:50 AM, November 04, 2008
What a lucky couple to have such a beautiful and personalised wedding cake. Well done!
Homemade Heaven, at 3:18 PM, November 04, 2008
I love the butterflies !! looking forward to a chance to bake a wedding cake one day.....
ganache-ganache, at 5:09 PM, November 04, 2008
The cake looks perfect! I love the colour combination :) The fondant looks great too; I must give the brand a try! Did it 'sweat' or take on a glossy sheen as the day passed? That's always been my biggest fear.
Anonymous, at 12:28 AM, November 07, 2008
Thanks ovenhaven. :)
Unfortunately, the fondant did start to sweat once it's out of the aircon. It had to be kept at temp of ard 24C to remain nice and pretty. :P
Baking Fiend, at 7:48 AM, November 07, 2008
Good Job Ida. This look so pretty. I still yet to find my guts to do such cakes. Was given an opportunity but I ended up in hospital. haiz.
Edith, at 8:50 AM, November 13, 2008
Wow the wedding cake looks great! It truly was a labour of love. Congratulations to your brother and your new sister in law :)
thecoffeesnob, at 11:05 PM, November 13, 2008
Bravo!! what a pretty wedding cake U make!! U know what after I finish my fondant and gum paste classes,I never once touch or practise my skill on any cake..I think now I forget how to do it..talking about it I better start making something since I still have fondant and royal ising sitting around.
Beachlover, at 2:12 PM, November 15, 2008
Thanks ladies...
think it'll be a while before I'll take up another of this challenge! too stressful for someone who doesn't have much experience handling fondant and gumpaste.
Baking Fiend, at 8:06 AM, November 16, 2008
Your cake looks too lovely to be eaten!
Anonymous, at 11:15 PM, November 16, 2008
Do you mind to share your fondant recipe? Or it;s already in your blog.Thank you
Anonymous, at 11:53 AM, January 17, 2009
I used store-bought fondant. the brand's pettinice.
Baking Fiend, at 9:59 PM, January 17, 2009
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